Beach Bounders has continuous enrollment for all recreational classes. Check out our class schedule and pick an age appropriate class to join the fun! Tuition listed is monthly. Please contact us with any questions!
Pre School Classes
Beach Babes and BoysMighty MinnowsSuper Starfish |
Girls Rec Gymnastics
Marvelous MermaidsBeginnersAdvanced BeginnersIntermediateAdvanced |
Boys Rec Gymnastics
Home School Classes
Adult Gymnastics
Adult Classes |
• Beach Bounders offers a FREE trial class for all new students!
• There is an $50 annual registration fee due in September which lasts through August and is prorated for mid year enrollments.
• Tuition is normally due the last class of the current month for the next month. A late fee of $15 may be applied to your account around the first week of the month if there is an outstanding balance.
• If you have to miss class for any reason, you can contact us to schedule a make up or receive 2 free open gym passes. We ask that make ups are limited to one per month unless there are extenuating circumstances. Make up classes are only available to currently enrolled students.
• Closings: Dec 24-Jan 1, Memorial Day Monday, July 4th, 1st week of Wicomico County Schools (Labor Day Monday-Friday), Halloween after 4:00pm, Thanksgiving, Black Friday. Weather closings will be announced via email, Facebook, Instagram, voicemail and website.
• The number of classes each month will range from 3-5 averaging 4 per month.
• We also offer Open Gym times, Birthday Parties, Group Rates and private lessons, as for pricing
• Save the first Saturday in Dec and the second Saturday in May for our Annual Olympics Program!
• There is an $50 annual registration fee due in September which lasts through August and is prorated for mid year enrollments.
• Tuition is normally due the last class of the current month for the next month. A late fee of $15 may be applied to your account around the first week of the month if there is an outstanding balance.
• If you have to miss class for any reason, you can contact us to schedule a make up or receive 2 free open gym passes. We ask that make ups are limited to one per month unless there are extenuating circumstances. Make up classes are only available to currently enrolled students.
• Closings: Dec 24-Jan 1, Memorial Day Monday, July 4th, 1st week of Wicomico County Schools (Labor Day Monday-Friday), Halloween after 4:00pm, Thanksgiving, Black Friday. Weather closings will be announced via email, Facebook, Instagram, voicemail and website.
• The number of classes each month will range from 3-5 averaging 4 per month.
• We also offer Open Gym times, Birthday Parties, Group Rates and private lessons, as for pricing
• Save the first Saturday in Dec and the second Saturday in May for our Annual Olympics Program!